I offer a package of academic coaching services to help your son or daughter find a way to be successful in high school. We can find a way together.

One of the first things I do when I meet with my student clients is to tell them that, for better or worse, a high school diploma is the bar into the adult world that has been set for them to meet.

I also tell them that for many high school students, school is so anxiety provoking, shaming and/or boring that they just can’t find a way to be successful without outside help. (Hint: That outside help is more effective coming from someone who isn’t related to them.)

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raise your hand if you want some help

How I help you:

  • Weekly check-ins with parents.

  • I will triage homework with your child: What needs to be done first?

  • I will text your child reminders about homework and due dates.

  • I will “catch them being good” as well as catch them when they slack off.

  • I will be the one looking at the Parent Portal every week so you don’t have to.

How I help your child:

  • Get an overall picture of what is due when and start a calendar with them.

  • Look at where they are and figure out with them where they want to be and bridge the gap.

  • Help them get out of the “shame spiral” and move forward.

  • Figure out what they are truly interested in and figure out a way for them to pursue more of what they like.

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It’s hard to be an overwhelmed teen

SCENARIO 1: Your child tries to pay attention, they really do, but...they just...get distracted....and forget to turn in their assignments even though they promised you they would. They check Snapchat...and they play games on their iPads...and then you check their grades online...and then you are angry...and they are defensive and ashamed.

They storm off and slam their doors. And that was only Monday.

SCENARIO 2: Your child gets so anxious about school that they feel sick. They don’t go to school. Their homework piles up and the more it piles up, the less they want to do it and the less they want to go to school. They need someone to help them come up with a plan.

SCENARIO 3: Your child: “School is stupid! Why do I have to go?” What they are actually saying: “School makes me feel stupid. Why try when no matter what I do, I fail? Why do I have to keep going back when it makes me feel like such a failure?”

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I have a soft spot in my heart for high school students and their parents

It is hard for parents and students to be on the cusp of “something bigger” but yet unknown. The push and the pull of wanting to leave "the nest" and grow up is exhausting for them and exhausting for us. I can help with the transition.